
Stefan Wildraut

Stefan Wildraut

Senior Sales Manager

Would you like to save electricity costs, be independent and contribute to the energy transition? As a project manager in the Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg region, I will gladly provide you with advice and assistance. I look forward to our conversation!

Morten Nagel

Morten Nagel

Sales Manager

As your project manager, I will happily assist you and advise you on your individual wishes and needs to utilise solar energy efficiently. I look forward to talking to you.

Josephine Clemens

Josephine Clemens

Freier Handelsvertreter

My area covers the north of S-H. What unites me and my customers is the desire to take independent power supply into our own hands. It is easy to produce sustainable energy with solar power, even in the far north. I will help you to supply your home with reliable energy and leave a green footprint with customised solutions.

Oliver Dominick

Oliver Dominick

Freier Handelsvertreter

Als Projektleiter für Photovoltaikanlagen und Wärmepumpen, ist es mir wichtig, Sie gut zu informieren und Sie in allen ihren Schritten und Bedürfnissen zur Sonnenenergie/Wärme zu begleiten.
Gerne berate ich Sie in den Regionen, Hamburg, Bremen und Schleswig-Holstein.

Sören Steensen

Sören Steensen

Sales Manager

Do you want to generate cheap electricity from the inexhaustible energy source of the SUN? Then get in touch with me and we can talk.